Italian restaurants in Beirut and Lebanon

While an Italian native might not find anything comparable with the Italian cuisine at home, Beirut still offers some very decent choices 

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Al Dente

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3 user ratings

Al Dente is known as one of the finest Italian restaurants in town with a sophisticated Bordeaux like ambiance.  

Hotel Albergo, Abdel Wahab El Ingliz, Ashrafieh

Al Forno


For a genuine Italian taste…Al Forno

Zaitunay Bay, Minet al-Hosn

E Cafe (Byblos)


A Beautiful courtyard, a glass of Bordeaux and a delicious steak in one the most ancient cities in the world? Set your navigational system for...

Byblos old souk, Jbeil - Byblos

Il Giardino


Excellent Italian cuisine amid the garden of Al Bustan Hotel

Al Bustan Hotel, Beit Mery

La Petite Maison Beirut

Editor rating
1 user rating

The delicious tastes of the world renowned classic south of France restaurant relocated to downtown Beirut

Omar Daouk Street, Minet El Hoson, Downtown



Perfect Italian food and Pizza

Gouraud street, Gemmayzeh



An Italian pizzeria in the heart of Beirut

Abdul Wahhab al-Inglizi Street, Monot

Paper Moon


Fine dinning Italian restaurant in the heart of Ashrafieh 

Ferneini 76, Ashrafieh



Just opened: An Italian restaurant with an ocean view. That’s new, even for Beirut.

Chukri Ghanem Street, Ain El Mreisseh



Tavolina Trattoria authentic Italian cuisine

Pharoun, Mar Mikhael

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Food Restaurants
Cuisine Italian

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