SOBEIRUT Subscriptions

We want to connect with our visitors and Lebanon lovers.  In order to engage with SOBEIRUT and benefit from the interactions with this website, we ask you to subscribe so that you can:

  • Receive our weekly newsletter
  • Leave comments and rate Venues and Events
  • Add Venues and Events
  • Stay informed with what we're doing 
  • Be part of an active, dynamic and growing community of Lebanon enthusiasts 
  • Get invited to Secrets of Beirut parties and events.
  • Save a list of favourite Venues, Events and Features, and share them with your friends (Coming soon!)

In return, we promise to:

  • NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sell or share your private information with anyone.  
  • To keep your information as safe as our life's most valuable Secret.  
  • To always give you an option to delete your info and never receive any more contacts from us.
  • Monitor pages most accessed and focus editorial on these types of content.

So go ahead, subscribe, you won't regret it and it will help us improve our content. Subscriptions can be made by typing an email and password into the 'Create your free Subscription' fields or using your Facebook, Google or Microsoft account.

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