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A restless and inventive performer and promoter of a wide range of music and artistic activity,
Tamer Abu Ghazaleh is a leading figure in modern Arabic culture. The Palestinian singer,
multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer has over the past few years collaborated in many music projects, released a debut album and founded eka3 (2007), a regional platform dedicated to promoting, producing, distributing, and touring independent Arabic music (www.eka3.org).
Tamer Abu Ghazaleh’s debut album Mir’ah (Mirror) was released in 2008. Recorded with a group of Palestinian and Egyptian performers, the record’s seven turbulent, entrancing and sometimes frenzied songs were written during a turbulent period of demonstrations, bombardment and invasion of Palestinian cities. Composed during curfews, the album expresses everyday human emotions – love,hate, comfort, boredom, excitement – that were informed by the unreal experience of living in Palestine during that period.While he has been touring his own music throughout 2012 at sold-out concerts in Beirut,Alexandria, Cairo, Amman and Tunis, Tamer Abu Ghazaleh has been an active musical collaborator for many years.

Projects include: starting the cross-genre group Kazamada (2010); working with Palestinian & Egyptian artists on Jehar (with Huda Asfour), Duo Buzuq (with Rabea Jubran) and Kalam Mazzika (with Salam Yousry);and performing on Khaled Jubran’s Psalms (2005). In 2008, Tamer released Thawret Ala (Revolution of Worry), a collaborative piece of musical theatre that was performed by the Al-Tamye Theatre Group. Tamer Abu Ghazaleh was born in Cairo 1986 to an exiled Palestinian family. He started singing and performing at the age of two, and composing at the age of nine. In 1998 Tamer and his family managed to return to their homeland to live in Ramallah, where he started his academic music education at the National Conservatory of Music (now Edward Said
Conservatory). There he studied oud, buzuq,music theory, history, analysis, composition,
orchestration and performance, under the supervision of renowned Palestinian musician
Khaled Jubran. Tamer Abu Ghazaleh is currently touring while preparing his second album and producing the music of a number of talented Egyptian musicians. He is also one of the key members of the new pan-Arabic Alif Ensemble.

يقدم تامر أبو غزالة عروض حية مفعمة بالحيوية والموسيقى المبتكرة، يلحن ويوزع ويكتب أغانيه بنفسه ويجيد العزف على آلات العود والبزق والباص جيتار وغيرها،ويغني المقامات الطربية بنفس الكفاءة التي يغني بها على موسيقى الجاز الغربي، هو نموذج رائع للتطور الذي
يحدث للموسيقى العربية البديلة، عمل ضمن مجموعات وتعاون «جناين الغنا » ومشروعات موسيقية عديدة في السنوات الأخيرة وأصدر أول ألبوماته عام 2008 بعنوان «ثورة قلق » مع الفنانة هدى عصفور في مشروع «جهار » ومع ربيع جبران في مشروع «ديو البزق » وأنتج ألبوم بالتعاون مع فرقة الطمي المسرحية وقام بإنشاء مؤسسة إيقاع للإنتاج الموسيقي عام 2007 ثم أطلق ألبومه الثاني في العام 2008 والذي كتبت أغانيه في فترة الحصار والحرب في فلسطين وفي ظل أحداث «مرآة » بعنوان سياسية غيرعادية، واستطاع أن يعبر عن كل المشاعر التي صاحبت تلك الفترة من قلق وغضب وحب وكراهية.وفي العام 2010 انضم لمجموعة "كزامدى" الذي يقدم أنماط موسيقية متنوعة، وآخر مشروعاته هي فرقة الألف التي تقدم رؤية معاصرة وطليعية للموسيقى العربية. ولد تامر في مصر عام 1986 لعائلة فلسطينية، وعاش
بين القاهرة ورام الله وأثناء ذلك درس الموسيقى بشكل أكاديمي في الكونسيرڤتوار وعلى يد الفنان خالد جبران

Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/tagmusic/?fref=ts

Sound cloud: https://soundcloud.com/tamerag

Seated Event
Seats are assigned by Metro
Jawad Chaaban: sound engineer
Lara Nassar: Light operator and Stage manager
Stage technician & Light Operator: Nabil Abou el Heijaa
Metro Al Madina
(Hamra, Saroulla Building(-2
Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram: Metro Al Madina
e-mail: metromadina@gmail.com or info@metromadina.com
Website: www.metromadina.com
Ticketing Phone:+961-76309363 from 12 till 9:00 pm
ًWheelchair access available upon request

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