Butcher's BBQ Joint
53m - In the words of Nick Offerman, internationally considered the embodiment of...
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Summer outdoor party spot extraordinaire
The 60s in Lebanon were like a perfect woman; rough around the edges, but so gorgeous you could only think it was too good to be true. There's a reason they called Beirut “Paris of the Middle East” and it's due to it's amazing people, fine food, and extraordinary music. But all went down the drain when war struck our majestic country and the things we lost are too many to mention. We lost our train station; a truly golden aspect to our paradise. You might think that these days are long gone, but we hear your cries and we deliver.
The train is back and with it brings back the glory of the goldne days. Join us starting 6 pm, for beautiful sunsets and even more breath taking nights with fresh cocktails, live grilled food, and great music. Allow us to help you relive a time that could only be described as art, a time where our train station was still gliding on its rails reminding us of a glorious time.
Bars & Pubs
Live Music
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