Search results for Cheap eats venues - Beirut & Lebanon
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Crew Hut Cold Cuts (Mar Mikhael)
FoodWhere it's at for fresh fast food (yes that's a thing now)! 1606
Armenia Street, Mar Mikhael
Restaurant Rock
FoodAt Restaurant Rock you can find delicious shawarma and Lebanese traditional food served fast. You will get the chance to experience a convivial...
Jbeil/Byblos main road facing the Police Department, Jbeil - Byblos
Verdun Dunes
ShopOne of Beirut’s highly entertaining shopping centers located in the heart of Beirut promises a fun experience for everyone.
Verdun, Beirut, P.O. Box 13-5902, Verdun
Al Rawda Cafe
FoodClassic Sea-Front Cafe and Garden
Corniche Beirut next to Sporting Club, Manara, Ras Beirut
Le gourmet
FoodThe notorious chicken sandwich joint known to all Bikfaya locals and beyond
Bikfaya roundabout, Bikfaya
Malak Al Foul
FoodA leading contender for the best foul and hummus in Hamra
Off Sidani Street (near Score Market), Hamra, Beirut, Hamra