The Gärten
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Give your children the opportunity to be whatever they want at KidzMondo, why wait till they grow up?!
KidzMondo first opened its doors in early 2013. It is a brilliantly crafted city theme park right down to the smallest detail, created in a way to be as genuine as a real city as possible. Included are a hospital, pharmacy, bank, police station, gas station, wall climbing, arts room, theater and much more!!
It is an indoor safe theme park, designed for children between 2 and 14 years of age and their parents or accompanying adults. KidzMondo is designed in a way that it is run by the children, as a form of edutainment, while being led by a highly qualified educator team. The children choose an activity and participate in it, such as being a fire fighter, doctor, race car driver, supermarket employee or customer and more. Some activities require the children to pay to participate; other activities pay the children as if it were a real job, all in KidzMondo money of course. The activities and their contents are developed with the cooperation of local schools and the local Ministry of Education to educate children on local citizenship rules and values.
They haven’t forgotten about the parents; available at the theme park are several restaurants and cafes for parents to relax while their kids enjoy the city. Moreover, KidzMondo caters birthdays and events for children and offers a variety of themes. The events are covered from the camera man, to the cake design, theme and games; depending on whichever package you choose.
The city made for kids and ruled by kids, or as they say at KidzMondo, kidzens!
Elementary School
Middle School
Who goes?
Children under 12 Students
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