119m - The unique setting - on the first floor of the Beirut Souks - is raising the...
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Nothing’s like a bike ride along the Beirut coast and for your entire bike needs…Beirut by Bike.
Beirut by Bike is a bike rental place; founded to promote biking as a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle, this branch is located is near Biel and right by the coast. If you like to bike in an open space, the area is attractive towards the Zaitunay Bay and Raouche coast. You can enjoy a beautiful view of the sea and get a feel of Beirut’s life along the Raouche sidewalk. It’s quite an experience, children playing; break dancers, fisherman, and people enjoying day to day life.
Biking is great for the whole family and a fun activity for friends to enjoy together, no matter the age or proficiency of riding, options are available. There are regular bikes, children’s bikes, bikes with a back seat and tricycles of different sizes. For those who want to learn, during weekdays, trainers give free bike riding lessons. Bike rental’s prices are fair maximum 5$/hr., the shop holds on to your I.D. while you borrow the bike, and you pay for the first hour. After you return you pay for the extra time, which makes your journey more comfortable by not having to worry about being late to get back
The main objective of the club is to promote cycling activities by developing and managing different projects organized rides and cycling for charity. They have a program which is dedicated to educate on the safe use of transportation infrastructure to improve safety and reduce injuries and death and teach the basics of safe walking and bicycling in schools, community events and other venues.
Whether for fitness or recreation, biking is a great activity. Bike for your health, bike for fun, bike for a cause, and for all your needs, there’s Beirut by Bike.
Who goes?
Children under 12 Couples Everyone Singles Students Teenagers
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