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Kudeta Cafe
Editor rating 1 user rating FoodKudeta Café is a jazzy haven that gives Badaro its own upscale style.
Badaro St., Imayr Building, 1st Floor, Badaro
Metro al Madina
PartyThe place to see theatre, music and go out dancing in Hamra
Sarolla Building, Minus 2, Hamra, Beyrouth, Lebanon, Hamra
Music Hall
ShowsMusic Hall is a cabaret-style music hall theater specializing in live entertainment and cultural showbiz.
Starco Center, Omar Daouk Street, Downtown
The Village Dbayeh
PartyA community of restaurants and bars located in the heart of Dbayeh!
Seaside road, Dbayeh
Look who's performing in Lebanon summer 2017
ShowsThe complete list of all the Summer Festival performances happening in Lebanon
15 of the best Festival events this summer
PartyCheck out the best of summer upcoming festivals 2016 (in no particular order)