Amal Ghandour
Amal Ghandour is a Lebanese writer, blogger and communication strategist....
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May Chidiac (born 20 June 1963) is a Lebanese Maronite journalist. Chidiac is a former television journalist at the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) and one of the station's main television anchors until an assassination attempt on her life. She was one of the few critics of Syria's keeping troops stationed in Lebanon after the end of the Lebanese Civil War and charged that the Taif Accords stipulated that Syria withdraw from Lebanon.
On the day she was attacked, after the Cedar Revolution and Syria's troop withdrawal from Lebanon earlier that year, she hosted a talk show in which she criticized Syria's continuous meddling in Lebanon's affairs and voiced fears of further violence ahead of the UN report on the death of the former prime minister, Rafik Hariri. On 3 February 2009, she announced her resignation on her LBC show Bi Kol Jor'a. Chidiac earned her PhD in “Sciences de L'Information et de la Communication” with high distinction from Université Pantheon Paris II Assas in 2008.
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