Rabab Al Sadr
Rabab Al-Sadr is a social and human rights activist and a philanthropist....
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Carole Rizkallah Alsharabati is Director of the Institute of Political Science at Saint Joseph University in Beirut. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Claremont Graduate University in International Relations and Quantitative Methods. Her research is currently focused on security, human rights, and refugees.
She advises on security reform, including quantitative analysis, and information systems. In 2014, she participated in the creation and launching of an NGO to denounce corruption (Sakker El Dekkene). She also advises the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and the Lebanese Ministry of the Interior on Electoral Reform.
She has participated in several World Bank missions on stakeholder analysis and the risk of reform in Cambodia and Morocco. Carole is also a founding partner of CME Offshore sal, a software engineering company with more than 150 employees based in Beirut, with branch offices in the United States, Argentina, India and China.
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