Fall Trek 2017

Lebanon Mountain Trail Association annual Fall-Trek

This event has finished

For the 5th consecutive year, the Lebanon Mountain Trail Association is organizing its Annual Fall-Trek “Together we walk to protect our mountains”, starting Friday October 13, where a core team of long-distance hikers will walk around 250 km of the trail over a period of 16 days.

Embark on an exciting journey through natural and cultural heritage, great scenery, forests, plants, culinary discoveries and hospitality.
Spots are assigned on a first-come first-served basis!

There are two ways to participate in this year's Fall Trek:
- Complete Fall Trek (16 days)
- Sectional hike (any number of days)

Deadline for booking is October 6, 2017
Reservations should include at least one overnight before the selected hiking day. Standalone-day hikes are not accepted (one-day hikers MUST join the team one day prior to the hike - joining the team on the same morning of the hike is NOT accepted)

Reservations must be done online on www.lebanontrail.net.No registration will be accepted for more than one person with no inquiry filled online.
Booking will be on a first-come first-served basis, and subject to a full payment within the first 7 days of registration.

To enjoy the experience and the trail, the maximum number of hikers per day/overnight is 20 hikers per group.
WAITING LIST: in case places are fully booked and you still wish to participate in the trek, please write to info@lebanontrail.org mentioning your wish to be added to the waiting list with all details: hiking and overnight dates and contact details. We will contact you in case places are available, following a first come first served basis.
The LMT Association reserves all rights to accept or deny an application upon its own discretion.
$85/ person/ day/ Overnight
Fees include:
All meals (dinner, breakfast and lunch box)
Local Guides services
Tour Leaders
Nature reserve entries
Transportation of luggage from one section to another (except for the one-day hikers)
Transportation from LMTA office Fridays and to the LMTA office Sundays
Discounts (please contact the LMTA info@lebanontrail.org)
10% for members
15% college and school students (upon valid student ID)

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