Colonel Beer Brewery

Beer at its best !

After a long hot summer day, Colonel rested on the shores of Batroun. Energized by the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean, he wished for a beer. But not just any beer. Colonel wanted a beer that was as refreshing, crafted with as much passion, and rooted as strongly in Batroun’s heritage and lifestyle as the Mediterranean’s waves, which had been breaking against land endlessly for thousands of years. By nightfall, Colonel had set into motion the creation of what would become Batroun’s first eco-friendly and independent microbrewery. Today, Colonel shares the dream – brewed into every drop.

Lager beer - Czech type
Alc./vol: 4.4%-12%
Ingredients: barley malt, hops, yeast & water.
Description: Light beer, amber colored, and developed on the basis of the best and most popular Czech variety – but with a Colonel twist.

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